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Services & Technology




UI Testing

We thoroughly test the user interface to ensure that every element of your app functions as expected across various devices and screen sizes. Our goal is to catch any visual or functional issues that could impact the user experience.

Our UI testing ensures your users encounter a polished interface no matter what device they’re on, reducing churn rates caused by frustrating design or usability issues.


Performance Testing

Using custom scripts, we simulate heavy loads on your app to test its stability and performance under stress. This helps identify potential bottlenecks, ensuring your app can handle real-world traffic and usage spikes.

Performance issues can frustrate users and lead to churn. By identifying bottlenecks before they impact your users, you can maintain a fast and reliable service that scales with your growth.


Automation Testing

Automate repetitive tests for both mobile and web applications using Appium, Selenium, Cypress or similar tools. This approach helps reduce manual effort while ensuring consistent and reliable test results across various test cycles.

For SaaS owners who need frequent updates, automation testing ensures that new features or updates don’t introduce bugs into the system. This allows faster releases without compromising quality, keeping you competitive in a fast-moving market.


Security Testing

Our experts manually test your application for vulnerabilities, ensuring that your app is safe from threats. We focus on preventing breaches, protecting sensitive data, and securing your app without relying on automated scanners.

Data breaches and security vulnerabilities can destroy user trust in your product. Our rigorous security testing identifies vulnerabilities before malicious actors do, helping you protect sensitive user data and maintain compliance with industry regulations


Integration Testing

We test how your app’s APIs and components integrate with each other to ensure smooth functionality. This includes verifying that all back-end systems and third-party integrations are working as intended.

Our integration testing ensures all systems work together seamlessly, reducing the risk of downtimes or integration issues that can frustrate users and impact your product’s functionality.


Usability Testing

Evaluate the user-friendliness of your application by testing how real users interact with your app. We focus on finding pain points in the user journey and improving the overall user experience.

A good user experience translates into higher retention rates. By identifying pain points that real users might experience, we help you enhance your app’s usability, improving overall satisfaction and driving customer loyalty.


Tools & Tech


UI Testing Technologies

  • Tools We Use: BrowserStack, Selenium, Appium, Cypress or Playwright for automation.

  • Approach: We simulate real user interactions across multiple devices and screen sizes to ensure your UI works flawlessly on every platform. We conduct both manual and automated UI tests to catch inconsistencies that could impact user experience, ensuring that your product delivers a seamless experience for every user.


Load & Stress Testing

  • Tools We Use: JMeter, LoadRunner, custom scripting for stress tests.

  • Approach: Our performance tests mimic real-world traffic conditions to determine how your app handles high volumes of users. We identify potential bottlenecks by measuring response times, stability, and resource utilization under stress, ensuring that your app can handle surges in demand without affecting performance.


API Testing Tools

  • Tools We Use: Postman, RestAssured, SoapUI.

  • Approach: We rigorously test the communication between your app’s components and third-party services. Our focus is to ensure that every API endpoint functions correctly and efficiently, with accurate data flow and proper error handling. By ensuring API reliability, we help prevent data flow issues and integration failures that could compromise your service.

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